About Valley Views

Happiness is...1 Happiness is …..

Abundance of natural light. You personal energy harvesting space

Great views.


For the Love of life feel its energy to jump out of bed

Physically healthier, mentally better still.more able to enjoy sharing kindness & love

2 Inner peace is the new success

It’s Fairy Tale château turret provides children with a safe and secure space. An imaginative special place.

Fairy tale Turret

Design and engineering,. creative space for happy life long memories

see blog https://valleyviews.uk/why-the-curved-walls/

Success is choosing “Value for life Experiences” improving lives

Yoga room Design that wraps it arm (wall) around you. Supportive. Relax in eco friendly warmth, breath in the fresh air, JOY. Breathe out Peace, to gain strength, in this special space



 Yoga room to make you physically heathier and mentally better still… Gain strength for self & to give kindness to others see blog https://valleyviews.uk/why-the-curved-walls/ 

 Or reimagined as a Gym to support physical health. Your option if preferable to walking in the 400 acres of woodlands next door

Health is the new wealth. Seeing, Breathing, feeling closeness to nature.

Kind planting in the gardens. Lemon fragrant blossom, bright red berries and bird nesting hedges

Mindfulness in these easy care gardens to relax after exercising in the woods or Gym. Enjoy being in, or looking at natural views whilst at work

Or indulge children’s safe trampolining play, and OR out door entertaining space for friendship & BBQ’s

Even this sculpted hedge reflects the organic design in this sensational kitchen – see heart Picture below

Your positivity is my priority.

Interior design consideration for nature, sustainability

Sense, natural oak doors. Feel, natural stone floors. Freedom seeing nature through large window

Trust Valley Views eco system, even the air that you breath is filtered fresh and delivered throughout. Healthy & easy! After pandemic you will appreciate in many ways breathing & “sensing this filtered fresh air” see eco page ……Eco heating here is an accomplishment for a healthier and better. life.

..some would say its actually a Bill Gates Breakthrough Benefiting us all. but especially your family, and yet, you may not know that these additional modern eco tech benefits exist, let alone how useful they have proven for health & well being and other.

Feel more in control with exceptional design & eco engineering.

The flexibility of personalising Valley Views spaces (see floor plans) Inspiring designs as we come out of this pandemic, to be healthy, mindful and be more in control

Sharing a true and real, low carbon life Feeling physically and mentally more energetic to be supportive & welcoming to family & guests and community.

Offering guests easily accessible, and restful sleep. Stylish space with ground floor en-suite, and “walk in wardrobe” for a clutter free enjoyable visit

 Invite families & friends to really relax Sharing the joys of your uniquely attractive fun home with crafting or games room.

productive & ENJOYABLE working from home office, and a zoom room see floor plans!

Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge My Princes Trust mentors (see CSR blog) supported this notion. You can see the imaginative rooms for exciting experiences mentioned below, on your visit!

The Star Wars room is created to stimulate imagination in all ages.

Be it bedroom to create your own fantasy film set. Featuring, an additional clutter free crafting room, so you maintain enthusiasm whilst keeping home work in good order. All without loosing site of your bed. Rooms designed for imagination & to reach RESTFUL SLEEP!

Or problem-solving space re imagined as Office space to stimulate imagination to aid growth, Or problem solving with the luxury of a second office room, clutter free, admin’ & dedicated Zoom zone.

Designed to Support your personal effectiveness with incentive breakout spaces “to actually relax and recharge ” providing rewarding times in garden.. & or Yoga time,( see Nicky Acknowledgments page ) & or exercise in the next door ancient woods for health fun and massive space for wonderful new solutions or just taking in how amazing nature is in every season!

Location, Location, Location

If you have the choice to live by nature, I urge you to find out

400 acres of ancient woods, freedom, great outdoor exercise, health lowering stress Value for life?Vallley Views trees and view

Did you know…Acres of trees and the plants giving off natural beneficial chemicals. they can be anti-inflammatory. BBC Countryfile episode -new-year-new-me

“just relaxing Lounging here,” on warm rugs & sofas, creates good company.

Designed to (is it magic?) attract children out of their bedrooms for fun family times,

board games, videos, music playing… (see how when u visit!)

Thr lounge

Music Matters specialist, at home film theatres and audio experts, have hard wired this room for mindboggling thrills and fun. “Whatever it takes” from Midlands, London to anywhere, their 1000’s of hours experience to command choosing A/V for your pleasure, (see Acknowledgments page)


Underfloor eco heating creates warm feelings bringing us closer for better times. Linking to Lounging outside on seating by blossom filled garden. Creating great times together priceless memories

  1. Self-building this inspirational home to this specification was “an exhausting” process, taking years longer than “developer homes”.

Kindness & clarity seeing 21st Century solutions for living better! I was kindly mentored by an exceptional craftsman £Million developer. His clients rejected large status homes for his clarity in design, to focus on experiencing “healthier for a longer life and craftsmanship quality for a more valued life!”

I hope you can see his gift of valued life inspirational ideas. I gave back eco tech ideas., Can you gain from my sharing knowledge & experiences by seeing my video below and pictures to improve your home.

Why not take a break and see my video below:

I am optimistic because The Great British public is resourceful, kind and generous, community spirited, globally caring at the Olympics, clapping the NHS community, creating community support in covid.

No one could see covid- but it kills.

No one could see CO2 – Please listen to David A and Greta

My family made sacrifices to support me, bringing people and businesses together with a 94% breakthrough result – where new tech does add value to life and reduce carbon… but it needs action which may require you making choices to spend with those who resonate for “doing more good” … and spend more if it supports value for life. I have seen, you will be rewarded with so much more and in new ways Please gain by sharing my web site knowledge to inspire action – we need millions to take actions and feel good about their contributing. beyond their purchasing.

By 2050 we have a legal requirement to reach net zero yet many people and business as still not engaging if you are not one of those people read on.

Eco tech heating has changed so much since this house was built 10 years ago with regular bricks like most of us have and quite massive windows, both are heat losses.

Domestic heating is a significant contributor to carbon emissions in this county and this means that there is a lot of information about eco heating but a lot of it is contradictory. I took me years to test the scientific reality against the sales pitches.

That research committed me to biomass because:

  • it is a proven technology
  • it supports green collar jobs
  • we replant the trees we use so it is zero carbon
  • it will cope with the fluctuating energy demands of a normal busy family (think getting three teenagers ready in a morning)

There are reports of organisations decommissioning their biomass boilers because they are too difficult. Other organisations called on my bio-mass improvement expertise to recalibrate their systems so that they now work efficiently. Yes, it is different and the heat network (the boiler, the thermal store and the pipework) need to be optimised precisely. Yes, there is a little more management to biomass than a mains gas boiler, but I have developed systems to help with that. Ten years ago nobody recycled because it was too difficult – really!

And the advantages of this little bit of extra work

I make maintaining your comfort and eco boiler easy:

  • looking your children/grandchildren in the eye and being able to say I am doing my bit.
  • research at the University of Groningen found that doing an environmental good deed releases endorphins. It’s true, I value it… so, can you?
  • as Bill Gates says “we can’t wait for new nuclear technology We need a breakthrough” – well help make that happen.

Thankyou for sharing




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